Frederic G. Withington papers 1961-1986.


Frederic G. Withington papers 1961-1986.

Collection contains financial analyst reports describing and forecasting the computer industry, mostly authored by Frederic Withington.

1 box (1.0 cubic feet).


SNAC Resource ID: 7308196

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis

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Withington, Frederic G (person)

Frederic G. Withington earned a B.S. in Physics from Williams College. He was Vice President of Arthur D. Little and senior staff of the Information Systems Section. His work focused on the study of data processing systems, including design, applications, markets, and effects on the organizations using them.Before joining Arthur D. Little in 1960, Withington worked for Burroughs Corporation and the National Security Agency. His professional associations included membership in the Society of Mana...